Wolf-Dietrich Rammler

Artist photo of Wolf-Dietrich Rammler - Recitation

Wolf-Dietrich Rammler, born in the German town of Apolda (Thuringia) in 1952, received his training as an actor at the Theaterhochschule “Hans Otto” Leipzig from 1976 to 1980. In 1980 he was offered a position at the Schauspielhaus Leipzig and was a member of the company for 15 years. In 1983, together with the pianist Gerlinde Otto, he founded the ensemble “littera et musica”, which is dedicated to the dramaturgical synthesis of text and music. Since that time, more than a dozen literary-musical programs have been created that combine and juxtapose text and music by means of artistic development and transition.

In 1995, Wolf-Dietrich Rammler became an artistic associate at the “Hans Otto” Acting Institute of the University of Music and Theatre “Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy” in Leipzig. In 2010, he was appointed professor of acting at the same institute and subsequently served as deputy director of the institute until spring 2018.

During the traditional summer theaters of the drama students, he made his first appearance as a director. He was able to attract attention with his productions based on texts by William Shakespeare (2006 Midsummer Night’s Dream, 2009 Romeo and Juliet). In addition to his work as a teacher, Wolf-Dietrich Rammler performed his literary-musical programs in castles and cabarets all over Germany and regularly appeared in front of the camera for film and television.

He has also been repeatedly engaged by MDR radio at greater intervals and is involved in major productions of the station as well as audiobook productions. Since 2018, Wolf-Dietrich Rammler has worked exclusively as a freelance actor.

Picture: studioline Leipzig

CDs released by GENUIN

with Wolf-Dietrich Rammler

CD album cover 'Dennoch' (GEN 23808) with Anne Schwanewilms, Manuel Lange, Wolf-Dietrich Rammler, Stefan Heucke


Sieben frühe Lieder von Alban Berg
Sieben Lieder von Stefan Heucke

Anne Schwanewilms Soprano
Manuel Lange Piano
Wolf-Dietrich Rammler Recitation
Stefan Heucke Composer

GEN 23808  –  5.1.2023