cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

Artist photo of cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

As a cellist and founder of the Artemis Quartet, Eckart Runge has been a presence on all of the world's major stages from New York to Tokyo over the last 15 years. CD recordings by his ensemble, available exclusively on Virgin / EMI since 2005, have been awarded a number of prizes. During his studies under Edmond Baert at the Brussels Conservatory and David Geringas at the Musical Academy of Lubeck and as an award winner in international contests (Premio Stradivari, Cremona 1991, German Music Competition in Bonn 1994 and "Concours International de Musique Genève" 1995) he pursued and active career as a soloist at an early stage. In addition to his international quartet career, he is "promoting and working intensively in various languages at the borderline of Tango, Jazz and film music" (Der Spiegel) and is bringing an increasingly larger audience to classical music with his "celloproject", which he founded in 1998. In addition to various programmes surrounding Tango, film and Jazz he has presented, in particular, productions such as "Concert Visuel" with two pantomimes from the Compagnie Marcel Marceau and Lab of Life - Creativity and Dialogue in Music. The combination of artistic seriousness with communicative presentation is met with enthusiastic acceptance by listeners and critics. Eckart Runge is now passing on his artistic experiences as a Professor of the Faculty at Berlin's University of the Arts and the Chapelle Reine Elisabeth in Brussels.

The artist's homepage:


CDs released by GENUIN

with cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

CD album cover 'CelloCinema' (GEN 12220) with cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon


Filmmusik von N. Rota, T. Waits, B. Herrmann, A. Piazzolla, C. Gardel, A. Catalani, D. Schostakowitsch, L. Janácek, D. Dale, C. Chaplin und E. Morricone

cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

GEN 12220  –  1.9.2012

CD album cover 'russian soul' (GEN 89150 ) with cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

russian soul

Kapustin • Rachmaninow

cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

GEN 89150  –  22.1.2010

CD album cover 'cellotango' (GEN 88126) with cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon


Werke von Piazzolla, Villoldo, Gardel, Salgán und Gadé

cello project - Eckart Runge, Jacques Ammon

GEN 88126  –  23.10.2008