Brahms, Schumann und Mendelssohn
Audio Player
- Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
In stiller Nacht - Abschiedslied
- Dein Herzlein mild op. 62,4
- All mein Herzgedanken op. 62,5
- Robert Schumann (1810-1856)
Ausgewählte Lieder
Am Bodensee I & II - Sommerlied
- Gute Nacht
- Mich zieht es nach dem Dörfchen hin
- Der traurige Jäger
- Zigeunerleben
- Johannes Brahms
Liebeslieder-Walzer op. 52 - Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809-1847)
Morgengebet - Der erste Frühlingstag
- Tragödie I-III
Romanticism means adventure – this is a guiding line for Stephan Schreckenberger when he occupies himself with vocal music of the 19th century. This is also true, perhaps especially true of the polyphonic songs of Mendelssohn, Schumann and Brahms – each Liebeslied is more beautiful and exciting than the next! For Schreckenberger and his ensemble Musica Lingua, comprehensibility of text and differentiation were also of the highest priority when they recorded an entire bouquet of these delicacies for GENUIN. The soloistic ensemble allows the fine points and details to come more clearly to the fore – like flashes of illuminated feelings – than would have been possible with a larger ensemble. And so the listener experiences one little romantic adventure after the other: love-madness and loneliness, dancing round the fire and a stroll in the woods. Sigh along with it!