Award Ceremony: Dinorah Varsi Legacy Box received the ICMA Special Award in San Sebastian

Award Ceremony: Dinorah Varsi Legacy Box received the ICMA Special Award in San Sebastian

This Friday, the ICMA Special Award was given for the exceptional Dinorah Varsi Legacy CD and DVD box. The prize was received by Ana Varsi, Mauricio Varsi and GENUIN recording engineer Holger Busse:

The initiator of the project, Dr. Monica Steegmann, and the press spokesperson Bettina Bermbach have also been on location at the Kursaal Auditorium in San Sebastian to celebrate this successful CD project.
Through the Programm guided Jun Märkl and the Orquesta de Euskadi (Basque National Orchestra).
Here you can see the Jury and the award recipients of the evening:

Andante (Turkey), Crescendo (Belgique), Gramofon (Hungary), HRT Croatian Radio & Television, IMZ (Austria), Kultura (Russia), MDR Figaro (Germany), Musica (Italy), Musik+Theater (Switzerland), Opera (UK), Orpheus (Russia), Pizzicato (Luxembourg), Radio 100,7 (Luxembourg), ResMusica (France), Rondo Classic (Finland), Scherzo (Spain)

All winners of the ICMA 2016 can be found on the homepage of the ICMA website.

The prize arrived safely in Leipzig:

linkTo the "Legacy" box by Dinorah Varsi on GENUIN

linkTo the program of the gala concert in San Sebastian