The 2024 Bach Competition prizewinners have been announced: GENUIN special prize goes to cellist Johannes Gray

The 2024 Bach Competition prizewinners have been announced: GENUIN special prize goes to cellist Johannes Gray

Last Saturday, 27.07.2024, the winners of the XXIV. International Johann Sebastian Bach Competition 2024 have been announced. The award was presented to 9 young musicians in the categories organ, voice and cello/baroque cello.

The 27-year-old cellist Johannes Gray from the USA also received the GENUIN Special Prize - a CD production that will be released in the “Bach Competition” edition.

Johannes Gray studied at the Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris with Hans Jørgen Jensen and Jérôme Pernoo, at the Barenboim-Said Akademie with Frans Helmerson and at the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía with Ivan Monighetti. He has attended master classes with Miklós Perényi, David Geringas and Philippe Muller, among others. He won 1st prize at World's Biggest Stage and the International Pablo Casals Award. Concerts have taken him to four continents, to the festivals in Ravinia and Verbier and to the Lincoln Center in New York.

The Leipzig Bach Competition is one of the most renowned music competitions in the world. It has been held every two years since 1950. Organizers are the Bach Archive Leipzig and the Leipzig University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendelssohn Bartholdy".

Picture: Bach-Wettbewerb Leipzig/Gert Mothes

linkTo the GENUIN edition "Bach Competition"

linkTo the homepage of the International Bach Competition Leipzig