Pictures at an Exhibition

CD album cover 'Pictures at an Exhibition' (GEN 86077) with Quadriga-Fagottensemble, Dag Jensen

GEN 86077 EAN: 4260036250770


-- digital release --

Available on all streaming and download platforms

Unrefined lumber? Low humming hollow poles? If those are the unflattering views you, music-lovers, still harbor from the 19th centuries when thinking of those slender, shimmering red woodwind instruments with the distinguished French timbre and elegant staccato, perhaps the time has come to reassess the situation. How lucky we are that Genuin has just released a CD with the Bassoon Ensemble Quadriga which is the perfect way to set you right on these matters. Not only are the four original compositions and arrangements for four or five bassoons on this disc performed with technical brilliance, perfection and irrepressible tonal beauty—all the works included on this disc with Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition are a delight to listen to and remarkable for the ensemble’s mastery of the instruments—they also leave listeners with yet another impression as well: that bassoonists possess the rare gift of taking themselves lightly once in a while. What other orchestra instrument could so easily say that of themselves?

"From Mussorgsky’s 'Pictures at an Exhibition' to Piazolla’s Tango Suite to a Jazz March – they find the right tone for everything and no interpretation lacks enthusiasm." Clarino 12/06

Dag Jensen Bassoon

Unrefined lumber? Low humming hollow poles? If those are the unflattering views you, music-lovers, still harbor from the 19th centuries when thinking of those slender, shimmering red woodwind instruments with the distinguished French timbre and elegant staccato, perhaps the time has come to reassess the situation. How lucky we are that Genuin has just released a CD with the Bassoon Ensemble Quadriga which is the perfect way to set you right on these matters. Not only are the four original compositions and arrangements for four or five bassoons on this disc performed with technical brilliance, perfection and irrepressible tonal beauty—all the works included on this disc with Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition are a delight to listen to and remarkable for the ensemble’s mastery of the instruments—they also leave listeners with yet another impression as well: that bassoonists possess the rare gift of taking themselves lightly once in a while. What other orchestra instrument could so easily say that of themselves?

"From Mussorgsky’s 'Pictures at an Exhibition' to Piazolla’s Tango Suite to a Jazz March – they find the right tone for everything and no interpretation lacks enthusiasm." Clarino 12/06

Unrefined lumber? Low humming hollow poles? If those are the unflattering views you, music-lovers, still harbor from the 19th centuries when thinking of those slender, shimmering red woodwind instruments with the distinguished French timbre and elegant staccato, perhaps the time has come to reassess the situation. How lucky we are that Genuin has just released a CD with the Bassoon Ensemble Quadriga which is the perfect way to set you right on these matters. Not only are the four original compositions and arrangements for four or five bassoons on this disc performed with technical brilliance, perfection and irrepressible tonal beauty—all the works included on this disc with Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition are a delight to listen to and remarkable for the ensemble’s mastery of the instruments—they also leave listeners with yet another impression as well: that bassoonists possess the rare gift of taking themselves lightly once in a while. What other orchestra instrument could so easily say that of themselves?

"From Mussorgsky’s 'Pictures at an Exhibition' to Piazolla’s Tango Suite to a Jazz March – they find the right tone for everything and no interpretation lacks enthusiasm." Clarino 12/06