Debussy - Szymanowski

CD album cover 'Debussy - Szymanowski' (GEN 24913d) with Cathy Krier

GEN 24913d EAN: 4260036259131


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With this album, pianist Cathy Krier turns the programmatic approach of her previous CDs into its opposite in an original way. While she recently juxtaposed historically and stylistically distant poles such as Rameau and Ligeti or Liszt and Berg/Schönberg and discovered astonishing cross-references in the process, this recording now takes exactly the opposite approach. At first glance, Claude Debussy - the inventor of musical Impressionism - and Karol Szymanowski, often referred to as the ‘Polish Impressionist’, appear to be very close. Both composers even use the same title Masques (Masks). Cathy Krier emphasises, however, that she is much more interested in the differences that are reflected in the works, which were composed around the same time. This adds a further, appealing aesthetic level to the pure listening pleasure.

Cathy Krier Piano

With this album, pianist Cathy Krier turns the programmatic approach of her previous CDs into its opposite in an original way. While she recently juxtaposed historically and stylistically distant poles such as Rameau and Ligeti or Liszt and Berg/Schönberg and discovered astonishing cross-references in the process, this recording now takes exactly the opposite approach. At first glance, Claude Debussy - the inventor of musical Impressionism - and Karol Szymanowski, often referred to as the ‘Polish Impressionist’, appear to be very close. Both composers even use the same title Masques (Masks). Cathy Krier emphasises, however, that she is much more interested in the differences that are reflected in the works, which were composed around the same time. This adds a further, appealing aesthetic level to the pure listening pleasure.

With this album, pianist Cathy Krier turns the programmatic approach of her previous CDs into its opposite in an original way. While she recently juxtaposed historically and stylistically distant poles such as Rameau and Ligeti or Liszt and Berg/Schönberg and discovered astonishing cross-references in the process, this recording now takes exactly the opposite approach. At first glance, Claude Debussy - the inventor of musical Impressionism - and Karol Szymanowski, often referred to as the ‘Polish Impressionist’, appear to be very close. Both composers even use the same title Masques (Masks). Cathy Krier emphasises, however, that she is much more interested in the differences that are reflected in the works, which were composed around the same time. This adds a further, appealing aesthetic level to the pure listening pleasure.