Between Heaven and Earth
Vol. 1: Franz Schubert: Sonatas in B major and C minor, Zwölf Deutsche Tänze
2 CDs for the price of 1
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„Between Heaven and Earth“: What it is all about
Do we still need Schubert today? Yes, but not all of us know why.
How to interpretate History and our present times listening to classical music.
„Only connect“ (E. M. Forster, motto of "Howards End“)
Filippo Faes has been acclaimed as one of the most profound and most creative pianists of his generation. Listening to the two CDs of this new Genuin-production we discover how modern Franz Schubert’s music and the person of the composer himself can be.
On the audio CD there are the stops and starts and eruptions, even desperation and otherworldliness, of his later works (the C minor Sonata) – only late because of Schubert’s untimely death – but also the Viennese charm and impertinence of youth in his B major Sonata. The interpretations by Faes explore every possibility of the piano with steady poise and tremendous élan. A window opens up on other worlds...
But for Filippo Faes these compositions are „not only music“: Each piece of music originates as a focus point, in which the threads of historical events, cultural and artistic trends as well as the composer’s personal experiences converge, as Faes explains in his audio commentary on the bonus mp3 CD:
He illuminates some of these events, connecting Schubert’s piano music with its historical background, but also with our more recent past. In this way he creates a network of reference points one can recognize later, while listening to the music.
Thus the spoken word opens a channel of lively and immediate communication, through which the music expresses its full power and works as an "interior, parallel narration" of human history.
This is similar to what happens in a thunderstorm: the lightning’s discharge is preceded by another invisible one, which an instant before ionizes a path in the air. Only through this path, the full energy of the lightning can flow. The audiocommentary signs such a path and music can flow like a lightning: “Between Heaven and Earth”.
Audio CD + MP3 CD with artist commentary by Filippo Faes