Works for Viola and Piano
by Brahms, Schubert, Hindemith
Solo violists are few and far between. Given the undeserved nicknames such as “diesel violin” sometimes assigned to the viola, it is all the more pleasing to hear Berlin Philharmonic Principal Violist Naoko Shimizu play her chosen instrument with piano partner Özgür Aydin on GENUIN’s latest release. After enjoying the performance of Hindemith, Schubert and Brahms sonatas by Shimizu and Aydin, you might even ask yourself why, for all these years, you have been suffering the more or less shrill tone production of violins. This disc lavishes listeners with velvet smoothness, depth and endless legato lines.
"Titul, jez prinásí cennou hudbu, zahranou s velkým vkusem i výrazovou presvedcivostí, se muze dle mého soudu stát obohacením diskoték nejen violistu a violistek."
Review on the magazine Harmonie, March 2013